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On-Call (tm)
Shareware Documentation
Forest Hill Software, Inc.
ALL Your Resident Programs are Just a Keystroke Away
For Compaq, IBM PC, XT, AT & compatibles
On-Call (tm)
Shareware Documentation
On-Call is a trademark belonging to Forest Hill Software, Inc.
Shareware Documentation
Copyright 1987 Forest Hill Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
On-Call Program, Software, and Related Materials
Copyright 1987 Forest Hill Software, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
WORLDWIDE AND U.S. COPYRIGHT LAW (title 17 United States Code),
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval
system, translated, transcribed, in any form, or by any means, whether
manual, mechanical, electromechanical, electric, electronic, chemical,
optical, or otherwise, without explicit written permission of Forest
Hill Software, Inc. or the copyright owner.
Forest Hill Software, Inc.
6689 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 267
West Bloomfield, MI 48322
1-800-443-4134, (313)489-0912
CIS ID: 76556,3335
The On-Call Shareware License
The On-Call Program in this package is a proprietary product and is
protected by Copyright law. Forest Hill Software, Inc. may only
license the program and does so only under the following terms:
On-Call, its associated files and related materials are distributed "as
is" without warranty as to their merchantability, performance,
suitability or fitness for any particular purpose, with limited
warranty to return for a replacement for defect in magnetic materials
or for a latent defect in recording or nonconformity specified in
writing for a period of ninety days from date of purchase. To obtain
this limited warranty you must first register with Forest Hill
Software, Inc. or purchase a copy of On-Call.
You may use this copy of On-Call during a short evaluation period,
afterwhich you agree to either register with Forest Hill Software
or purchase a copy of On-Call prior to continued use.
You may make additional copies of this software for distribution to
other potential users on a PRIVATE, NONCOMMERCIAL BASIS. You may not
distribute this product in connection with any other product or service
or charge any fees for its distribution with the exception of
registered user groups who may charge a small fee to cover the costs of
distribution and provided that it is distributed in unmodified original
form. Forest Hill Software has liberal site licensing, corporate use
and product bundling agreements available. Contact our sales office
for further details.
On-Call, its associated files and Shareware Documentation is licensed
"AS IS", but On-Call has been designed to perform in substantial
compliance with the related materials and documentation supplied with
this package. If you find a "bug" or think that a change should be made
in the program, write us. If you report a significant defect in
performance and documentation in writing with suggested changes and
agreement of assignment of rights to us, and if we have not corrected a
defect within 90 days, you may return the program, including all copies
and related materials to Forest Hill Software, Inc. and we will refund
your money. Forest Hill Software, Inc. distributes the program without
any copy protection so that you, the user, may easily incorporate
On-Call and its associated files into your regular system management
procedures. In return for this flexibility you are responsible for
compliance with the terms of this agreement. You accept the terms of
this agreement and the remedies described above as your only remedies.
They will only be available to you if you return the registration form
which follows this agreement to Forest Hill Software, Inc. within 30
days of receiving this software. If any provision of this agreement is
held unenforceable, the remainder of the agreement shall remain in
In no event shall Forest Hill Software, Inc. or the copyright owner be
liable to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings
or other incidental or consequential damages, either direct or
indirect, arising out of your use or inability to use the program even
if Forest Hill Software, Inc. or its authorized representative has been
advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any
other party. Some states do not allow the limitation or exclusion of
liability for special, incidental or consequential damages in which
case this limitation may not apply to you. In any event all remedies
are expressly limited to the amount of money you paid to forest hill
software, inc. No dealer, distributor or Forest Hill Software, Inc.
employee is authorized to make any changes to this agreement or any
other representation as to performance or terms without prior written
officer approval.
On-Call Product Registration Form
Registering or purchasing a copy of On-Call provides you with some
important benefits in addition to supporting the continued development
of this and other Shareware products.
For a purchase price of 54.95 you receive
- The latest version of On-Call on official media -
- A detailed typeset copy of the On-Call User's Manual -
- Toll-Free technical support for a period of 1 year -
- Automatic notification of updates and new products -
- Low cost upgrade to the next major release of On-Call -
For a registration fee of $24.95 you receive
- A license to use this copy of On-Call for noncommercial use -
- A detailed typeset copy of the On-Call User's Manual -
- One year of free technical support -
- Automatic notification of updates and new products -
To register or order your copy of On-Call, fill out and sent the
following form to:
Forest Hill Software, Inc. 1-800-443-4134
6689 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 267 - or call - International or MI
West Bloomfield, MI 48322 313-489-0912
Or contact us via Compuserve ID: 76556,3335
___ New Copy of On-Call ($54.95) ___ Shareware Registration ($24.95)
Name _____________________________________________ Title __________
Company ______________________________________________________________
Address ______________________________________________________________
City ___________________________ State/Prov ________ ZIP __________
Country ___________________________ Phone number _____________________
VISA/MASTERCARD # _________________________________ Exp Date __________
Signature _________________________________
Shareware serial number displayed in the On-Call Summary Window _______
Where did you obtain this copy of On-Call _____________________________
Suggestions ___________________________________________________________
1. THE SHAREWARE DISTRIBUTION CONCEPT...............................7
2. INTRODUCTION.....................................................9
2.1 System Requirements........................................9
2.2 Quick Start Guide.........................................10
3. INSTALLATION....................................................12
3.1 Distribution Files........................................12
3.2 Floppy Disk Installation..................................12
3.3 Hard Disk Installation....................................12
4. LOADING On-Call.................................................13
4.1 Preliminary Considerations................................13
4.2 Starting The Program......................................14
4.3 Start-up Options..........................................14
4.4 Loading Resident Programs.................................18
4.5 The Summary Window........................................21
4.6 Errors While Loading Programs.............................22
5. USING On-Call...................................................23
5.1 Popping-up On-Call........................................23
5.2 Program Selection.........................................24
5.3 Running Other Software....................................28
6. ACCESSORIES.....................................................30
6.1 OCA.COM...................................................30
6.2 OCP.COM...................................................33
6.3 OCV.COM...................................................33
7. COMPATIBILITY...................................................34
7.1 Case of Mistaken Identity.................................34
7.2 Things to Avoid...........................................34
7.3 Hazards...................................................35
A major problem with buying software is that you generally need to put
your money "up front" before you even get a chance to load and test
most software packages. If after testing that software you find that it
doesn't solve the problem YOU have or simply doesn't work, you may find
yourself stuck with it and unable to get a refund. One way around this
problem is the concept known as "Shareware".
Shareware distribution allows you to obtain a full working copy of a
program, load it into your own personal system and try it for a short
time without incurring any financial obligation. If you find the
software unsuitable, you simply erase the software or pass it on to
another potential user. This doesn't mean that Shareware programs are
in the public domain or may be used for free beyond a short evaluation
Shareware programs, like most other software on the market, are
copyrighted works and as such are protected by Federal and
international copyright law. Their owners are entitled to be paid for
continued use of these programs. But more importantly, you rely on the
software you use and the support its authors provide. As a result you
have a stake in their continued success. The Shareware concept
provides for this through a mutually beneficial arrangement as outlined
Benefits to you
* Evaluation of software before actually having to pay for it
* Easy access to new software and new software updates through
a network of thousands of electronic bulletin boards around
the country
* Lower cost due to the reduced expenses for the developer
* The ability to help your fellow computer owners by
providing them with a copy for them to try for themselves
Benefits to the software developer
* Simplified distribution and promotion of their product
* Direct access to a wide range of users
* Reduced marketing costs
* More time to improve current products and develop new ones
Shareware programs are financed by users "Registering" their copies.
But why should you support Shareware and actually pay for something you
already have? To begin with, it's the law. More importantly you will
receive the additional benefits of having a registered copy.
Benefits of supporting Shareware
* You will receive:
* A more detailed typeset manual with index and quick
reference guides
* An absolutely up to date copy of the program on a
professionally labeled disk
* Technical support via telephone
* Automatic notification of updates and new software
* You will ensure the continued refinement and support of
the software on which you rely
* You will encourage software developers to continue to
provide high quality software as Shareware
* You will help to keep the cost of quality software
down by reducing the need of the developer to pay for
expensive marketing
In short, if you like the ability to test software before you buy it,
you hate paying exorbitant prices and you want to share in the success
of new and innovative software, then YOU should support Shareware!
Welcome to On-Call and the On-Call Shareware Documentation. By
using this product you greatly expand your access to memory resident
software and enhanced the capabilities of most other application
packages. Within this document you will find all of the necessary
information to implement On-Call and inspire solutions to long standing
problems with PC/MS-DOS.
Please take time to review this document and absorb its contents.
However, if you feel the need to jump right in and see how On-Call
works, proceed to the Quick Start Guide. For most users, getting this
software up and running will be rather easy, but you won't gain the
full benefit of On-Call until you have completely reviewed this manual.
2.1 System Requirements
To run On-Call, your system must meet the following requirements. All
efforts have been made to ensure the greatest degree of compatibility
with a wide variety of hardware and software configurations. If there
is any question about whether your particular configuration is
acceptable, contact the On-Call Sales Department at 1-800-443-4134.
Hardware Requirements
* Any model Compaq computer or close compatible
(i.e. IBM PC/XT/AT/PS2)
* At least 256 Kilobytes of memory, 640 K suggested
* 2 floppy disk drives or 1 floppy disk drive and a hard disk
(A hard disk or large RAMdisk is a definite advantage)
* A Monochrome, CGA, EGA or equivalent display adapter and Monitor
Software Requirements
* PC-DOS or MS-DOS version 2 or later
* At least one properly installed and operational resident
2.2 Quick Start Guide
If you simply can't wait to try On-Call, follow these simple steps for
a quick test drive. Remember though, to fully utilize the many
features of On-Call, you must read the rest of this document. It will
explain things that wouldn't otherwise be apparent. But for now...
1. Make a disk which contains all of the On-Call distribution
2. Insert a copy of that disk into drive A.
3. Select another drive where there is some space for On-Call to
store its image data file and make that the default drive.
NOTE: Only the "ONCALL.DAT" file will be placed in that
location. You may remove it later.
4. Run the On-Call program.
5. Wait for the Program Information Window.
The "PgmPath:" field will be highlighted. Enter the path to one
of your resident programs then press the "Enter" key.
Example: C:\DOS
6. The "Program:" field will be highlighted. Enter the file name
of the resident program you wish to load, with it's 3 letter
extension, then press the "Enter" key.
Example: PRINT.COM
NOTE: Only .COM and .EXE files may be loaded
7. The "Options:" field will be highlighted. Enter any text,
normally required after the file name when starting your
resident program, then press the "Enter" key.
Example: /Q:24
8. Do not enter anything following "DatPath:", just press
"Enter". Later in this manual you will learn how and when to
use this field.
9. Your resident program will then load into memory and be stored
into the "ONCALL.DAT" disk file.
10. Perform steps 5 through 9 for each additional program you want
to load.
11. After loading a few resident programs, press the "Esc" key and
wait for the following pop-up window.
12. Use the cursor control keys to highlight the desired resident
program then press "Enter". The highlighted program will
be selected.
13. To select a different program while at the DOS prompt, run the
program on the On-Call distribution disk called "OCP.COM".
This will cause the Program Selection Window to be displayed.
14. From within another application program, press and hold the
"Ctrl" key, then press the Right Shift key. On-Call
will acknowledge with a short beep then wait for an appropriate
time to display the Program Selection Window.
Installation of On-Call is straight forward and may be obvious to many
users. However, I do suggest that you read through this material to
avoid missing information which may be helpful.
3.1 Distribution Files
The Shareware version of On-Call is distributed in a single archive
file. Included are the following files:
READ.ME Current information about On-Call and the On-Call
distribution files
ONCALL.EXE The On-Call program
OCP.COM A utility to facilitate switching resident programs
OCA.COM The On-Call Accessory program
OCV.COM A utility program to be used only as directed for
solving compatibility problems.
There may be other files not listed above. Examine the file named
READ.ME for information regarding additional files and changes to
To display the READ.ME file type: TYPE A:READ.ME
To print the READ.ME file type: COPY A:READ.ME PRN:
3.2 Floppy Disk Installation
There are no installation procedures for you to perform prior to using
On-Call on a floppy disk based system. However, it is imperative that
you make at least one copy of the distribution files to protect
yourself against total loss of this program and its associated files.
The only other action you need to take before using the On-Call program
is to prepare at least one formatted disk. This disk will be used to
store the image data file which On-Call will create.
3.3 Hard Disk Installation
To install On-Call on a hard disk, simply copy the distribution files
to an appropriate directory. To avoid confusion, a separate
subdirectory should be used for these files.
4. LOADING On-Call
On-Call is so simple to use that you may overlook some of its more
subtle features. Please take time to review all of this section. As
you will see, a little planning and a general understanding of what
On-Call can do for you will make use of this product much more
4.1 Preliminary Considerations
Before we actually get into using On-Call, lets take a quick look at
the way we can handle a couple of special situations.
Using Expanded/Extended Memory
On-Call will allow you to place its image data file on any disk drive
and in any subdirectory you desire. Because of this, you can instruct
On-Call to create and maintain its data on a RAMdisk. Using a
conventional memory RAMdisk for this purpose would be
counterproductive. However, if it's located in Extended or Expanded
Memory, above the 640K DOS limit, the advantage could be a vast
improvement in speed over a floppy or hard disk drive.
To use On-Call with an expanded memory RAMdisk, follow the instructions
included with your expanded memory board or RAMdisk software to create
the desired RAMdisk drive. Then refer to the Image Data File section
under Start-up Options to learn how to inform On-Call where to locate
the image data file.
One problem with a RAMdisk is that it will not retain information when
the power is turned off. In order to utilize On-Call's ability to
reload resident programs from an image data file, copy the file to a
floppy or hard disk drive prior to turning off your computer. If you
create a batch file to do this and execute it each time before turning
off your computer, you will be able to reload all resident programs
without loosing their present status and data. If you are a hard disk
user, it would also be a good idea to include in this batch file a
command to park the heads of your disk drive. Don't forget to include
a step in your AUTOEXEC.BAT file to copy the image data file back to
the RAMdisk before starting On-Call
Permanently Resident Programs
There may be resident programs which you don't want to select with
On-Call but would prefer to have available at all times. These
programs should be loaded either before or after On-Call. However,
On-Call would prefer that you use it to load all resident software so
that it can keep things under control. Certain resident programs are
rather unruly and conflicts may result from loading them independently
of On-Call. If you decide to load another resident program this way,
assure that it is working properly and cooperating with On-Call before
getting back to work. Any known conflicts will be listed either in
Chapter 6 or in the READ.ME file on the distribution diskette.
4.2 Starting The Program
Once you have completed the installation procedures, you are ready to
start On-Call.
To start On-Call type: ONCALL
NOTE: If you already have the image data file, called ONCALL.DAT, in
the default directory, this command will cause it to be erased and a
new file created.
If you don't specify any options, either on the command line or via an
environment parameter, On-Call will create the image data file in the
current directory, on the current drive. It will not attempt to search
for an existing image data file as with the automatic reload function
described below. It will also default to using "Ctrl" and Right Shift
as the Hot-Keys. To change any of these default conditions, or to tell
On-Call to skip the file status screens, see the appropriate sections
As On-Call starts up, it checks the current screen mode and adjusts
itself accordingly. If you have your screen set to a color mode,
On-Call will display in color. If the mode is black and white or
monochrome, On-Call will use non-color attributes. If your screen mode
is set either to a graphics mode or any mode not standard for CGA or
Monochrome adapters, On-Call will not run. If you have any problems,
check the description of the "MODE" command in your DOS documentation.
4.3 Start-up Options
On-Call may be given special instructions by placing additional
information on the command line or in an environment parameter. These
instructions allow you to specify where On-Call should maintain its
image data file, what to call the image data file, what Hot-Keys to
use, whether to use an existing data file and whether On-Call should
bother with message windows.
Specifying Options
You may specify start-up options on the command line as you start
On-Call or prior to that with an environment parameter. The method you
choose will depend on your particular needs and preferences, both have
been provided for convenience.
NOTE: The "<" and ">" characters indicate variable information. Do not
include them when specifying options.
Specify options when On-Call is started:
Specify options prior to starting On-Call:
...other commands...
NOTE: You must use "ONCALL" as the environment parameter or On-Call
will not recognize it. Refer to your DOS documentation for more
information on using the "SET" command and environment parameters.
Each option begins with a "/". The letter following the "/" indicates
which option. You may place them in any order. If the same option is
found both in the "ONCALL" environment parameter and on the command
line, On-Call will use the one specified on the command line.
Image data file
The image data file is where On-Call will keep any resident programs
which are not currently in memory. When a program is selected, it's
read out of this data file and placed into memory. When a program is
deselected, it's saved back into this data file. This data file must be
available when On-Call needs it. If you delete or inadvertently
destroy the image file, or if at any time On-Call can't find it, no
resident program will be selected. To keep things nicely organized,
On-Call allows you to specify where it should find or create this file
and what it should be called. If you don't specify, On-Call will call
it ONCALL.DAT and place it in the directory and on the drive which is
the default when On-Call is first started. If you have a hard disk,
you may want to keep this file in the same directory as the On-Call
Specify Image Data File: /D=<<path name>>
To specify the drive and directory for the image data file, include
this option on the command line when starting On-Call.
Note: If you use the "/D=" option you must specify the file name in
addition to the drive and path. The examples above ensure that
On-Call will maintain its data file called RP.DAT in the OC directory
on drive C:. This option is quite useful in conjunction with the
auto-reload option.
Once On-Call is loaded, it remains resident in memory but relinquishes
control to DOS. The keys you use to inform On-Call that you want the
selection menu are called the Hot-Keys. they are by default the "Ctrl"
and Right Shift keys. A further explanation of how to pop-up on On-Call
may be found in Chapter 4. Since many programs use a wide variety of
key stroke combinations to give them commands, On-Call allows you to
specify which keys you want for the Hot-Keys. This helps to avoid
conflicts. Any combination of the "Alt", "Ctrl", Left Shift and Right
Shift keys may be specified. You are required to press all the
specified keys, at the same time, to bring up the On-Call selection
Specify Hot-Keys: /H=A<L>
The "/H=" option specifies the desired Hot-Keys. Follow this option
with any combination of the letters A, C, L and R, where A represents
the "Alt" key, C represents the "Ctrl" key and L and R represent the
Left and Right shift keys respectively.
Examples: ONCALL /H=AR
The examples above will tell On-Call to pop-up the program selection
window when both the "Alt" and Right Shift keys are pressed. This may
be specified differently each time On-Call is started and may be
different even though the same image data file is used.
Automatic Reload
An important feature of On-Call is its ability to reuse an image data
file. This means that once you have run On-Call and have loaded the
desired resident programs, you may never have to reload them again. It
also means that your computer will be ready for use in a much shorter
time than it would if it had to execute a long AUTOEXEC.BAT file.
Using the automatic reload feature of On-Call brings the resident
programs back exactly as you left them the last time your computer was
on, including data!
Specify Automatic Reload: /R
The "/R" option instructs On-Call to automatically reload an existing
image data file.
Examples: ONCALL /R
To use the automatic reload feature, On-Call must be able to locate the
existing image data file. If this file is not called ONCALL.DAT or is
not on the default drive and in the default directory, you will have to
specify its location and name with the "/D=" option.
NOTE: To use the automatic reload feature, On-Call must load in EXACTLY
THE SAME MEMORY LOCATION as when the image data file was first
On-Call will only use the automatic reload feature if it is loaded in
exactly the same memory location as when it first created the image
data file. The best way to insure that memory locations match is to do
everything exactly the same prior to starting On-Call as when you first
created the image data file.
If On-Call finds that it is not in the same memory location as before,
it will not immediately destroy the file, but will ask if you want to
continue. At this point you may back out and leave the old image file
intact or continue on and let On-Call erase that file and start a new
If you will be using AUTOEXEC.BAT to run On-Call with automatic reload,
you should note that executing a batch file uses a small portion of
memory and On-Call will be loaded into a slightly higher memory
location. Actually, this is no problem. Simply setup your
AUTOEXEC.BAT file and reboot your computer. If On-Call does not find an
existing image data file, it will automatically create a new one. If
On-Call finds an old image data file which can not be used, it will ask
if you want to continue. When it does, answer with a "Y" and load the
desired resident programs. The next time you turn on your computer,
On-Call will see that the image data file is acceptable and use it.
Adding New Resident Programs
A major advantage of On-Call is its ability to "remember" resident
programs and make them available, as they were last used, even if your
computer has since been turned off. Once a resident program is loaded
into On-Call you may never have to "load" it again. It would therefore
be inconvenient to have to reload all of your resident programs simply
to add a new one to the Image Data File.
On-Call has a start-up option which may be used to add a new resident
program to an existing Image Data File. For this option to be
effective it must be used in conjunction with the Auto-Reload feature.
Add a new resident program: /R/A
The "/A" option instructs On-Call to request information on a new
Resident program by displaying the Program Information Window. When
the window is displayed, you may enter information on any number of
new resident programs, then press "Esc" to finish loading On-Call.
NOTE: Using the "/A" option without specifying "/R" has no effect and
may result in overwriting the existing Image Data File.
Bypass Message Windows
Whenever On-Call reads from or writes to the image data file, it will
display a message window explaining what it's doing. This message
includes the name of the image data file and which resident program is
being loaded or saved. You may inform On-Call that you do not want
these messages to be displayed.
Bypass Messages: /M
The "/M" option instructs On-Call not to display file access message
Examples: ONCALL /M or SET ONCALL=/M
This option will not have any effect other than to prevent these
messages from being displayed. You may decide to use this option
when running On-Call on a faster machine, since the message windows
will not be displayed long enough for you to read them.
4.4 Loading Resident Programs
When On-Call does not perform an automatic reload, or if the "/A"
start-up option has been specified, it will present you with a small
form to fill out for each program you wish to load. Using this form,
you have the option of loading a resident program into On-Call,
executing a non-resident program, printing a list of programs which
have already been loaded or accessing the context sensitive help
If you are using a hard disk drive or a large RAMdisk, you will be able
to load as many resident programs as you would like. You may also load
the same resident program more than once, if it makes sense to do so.
For example, if you have an outliner which can be installed as a
resident program, you may want to have access to several outlines at a
time. While these programs generally allow multiple files to be loaded
at the same time within different windows, doing so will often require
a great deal more memory. With On-Call you can load different outlines
into different copies of the outliner and easily switch between them.
You might find this a bit extravagant if you're using a floppy disk
drive to store the image data file, especially if it's a 360K drive. I
should mention at this point that you may add, delete, rename or
duplicate a program image using the OCA.COM accessory program. This
means that you don't have to worry about which programs you want to
load or how many times you want them loaded. The On-Call accessories
are described in Chapter 5.
Entering Program Information
The form you will use to load programs into On-Call consists of four
entry fields. Each of these fields are described in detail below,
along with some examples. After you place the desired information
into each field, press the "Enter" key and the cursor will advance to
the next field. Pressing the "Enter" key while in the "DatPath" field
will tell On-Call that you have entered all desired information and
would like it to load the program. You will notice a program number at
the bottom of the program information window. The maximum number of
programs that you may load is 40. If you reach this limit, On-Call
will automatically take you to the program selection window.
This field tells On-Call where it can find your program. It should be
a complete path including a drive letter and any directories starting
from the root directory. If it specifies the "root" directory, it must
end with a "\", otherwise it should end with the directory name.
Examples: A:\ C:\DOS D:\EDIT\PGM
Here is where you place the full name of the program which you want to
load into On-Call. Unlike executing a program from DOS, this name must
include an extension which is either ".EXE" or ".COM". Sorry, ".BAT"
files are not allowed. Do not include a drive or path, these should be
placed in the "PgmPath" field.
With some programs you may be able to specify options or parameters on
the command line. This is where you can place these options. On-Call
will pass them on to the program, as it is loaded. In this field, place
anything which would normally follow the name of the program when
starting it from the DOS prompt. Spaces are allowed.
Examples: LPT1:/m=32 /W:80
If prior to loading a resident program, you normally change to a
directory other than where the program resides, the path to that
directory should be placed here. This may be desired when you want
your program to access data files in another directory, without having
to specify a path to that directory. As with the "PgmPath" field, you
must use a complete path name, including the drive letter and any
directories starting at the root directory. If the "DatPath" is the
same as the "PgmPath", simply leave this field blank and On-Call will
use the path which you have supplied in the "PgmPath" field.
Examples: B:\ C:\EDIT\DATA
Program Information Window Edit Keys
Certain keys have assigned functions which facilitate entering program
information. These keys are listed below. Pressing an incorrect key
or attempting to go beyond the bounds of an input field will cause a
low warning beep to be produced, and no action taken.
Move up one input field [Up Arrow]
Move down one input field [Down Arrow]
Move one character to the left [Left Arrow]
Move one character to the right [Right Arrow]
Move to the first character [Home]
Clear input field [Ctrl-Home]
Move to the last character [End]
Move to "PgmPath" [Pg-Up]
Move to the "DatPath" [Pg-Dn]
Toggle insert and overwrite modes [Ins]
Overwrite mode is indicated by a small cursor. Insert mode is
indicated by a large cursor.
Delete character at the cursor [Del]
Delete character to the left of cursor [<--]
Help key [F1]
Once the relevant help screen has been displayed you may select
the help menu by pressing the "Enter" key or return to the
entry form by pressing "Esc".
Print list of loaded programs [F9]
Done, no more programs to load [Esc]
If you do not have any programs loaded, this key will return
you to DOS.
Problems Loading Resident Programs
If for some reason On-Call is not able to locate or load a program, it
will display the program information window with the information you
supplied and produce a low error beep. On-Call makes a reasonable
guess as to what might have gone wrong and places the cursor in the
input field where it thinks the problem exists. If this occurs, you
should check all input fields and make any necessary changes. On-Call
may also display a message in the "Options" field indicating either
that the program did not stay resident or that On-Call is not capable
of handling the requested program. These messages are cleared using
the "Ctrl-Home" combination described above.
NOTE: Some programs must be told to remain resident. These programs
may require an entry in the "Options" field.
Executing Non-Resident Programs
You may find that while you are loading resident programs into On-Call,
you would like to run a non-resident program or execute a DOS command.
This is easy to do and does not interfere with the process of loading
resident programs. Generally the reason for doing this would be to
obtain information on options for the program you want to load. Since
On-Call recognizes when a program does not stay resident, it will cause
no problems other than having to clear the input fields of any unwanted
data before selecting another resident program.
To execute a non-resident program from this window, simply supply any
required information just as you would for a resident program. After
you quit or exit the non-resident program, may use the "Ctrl" and
"Home" keys together to clear each input field as you enter information
for the next program. If you would like to execute a DOS command, run
the program called COMMAND.COM. Running this program is similar to
executing the "SHELL" command from BASIC. When you have finished
executing any desired programs or DOS commands, simply enter "EXIT",
just as you would to return to BASIC.
When All Desired Programs Are Loaded
When All Desired Programs are Loaded When you have loaded all of the
resident programs you want into On-Call and have pressed the "Esc" key,
a program selection window will be displayed. This is the window you
will use to select a resident program and is described later in this
manual. For now, just press the "Enter" key, which will select "none"
and advance On-Call to the summary window.
4.5 The Summary Window
If every thing has gone according to plan, you will soon be presented
with the On-Call summary window. This information will remain on the
your screen and On-Call will terminate but still be resident in memory
waiting for you to call upon it with the designated Hot-Keys. No action
is require at this time and you are free to continue with whatever work
you desire. Lets take a quick look at the information provided. All
values are in Bytes except the version and serial numbers.
Version & Serial number
This information identifies the source of your Shareware copy
of On-Call. Please have this information available when
contacting Forest Hill Software to register your copy and
include it in any correspondence. Unfortunately, we can
only provide support to registered users of On-Call. You may
contact our sales department for further information and may
even begin receiving telephone support the same day.
Total system memory
This is the total memory as reported by BIOS. It is possible
that this value may vary from the actual amount in your system.
Memory free before loading
This is the amount of memory which was free before starting
Total for loaded programs
Here is the number of bytes which would have been used by all
of the programs, had you not loaded them with On-Call. This
value may be larger than your total system memory!
Actual memory required
This is the memory which has been allocated for use by
On-Call. It is the size of the largest resident program plus
the size of On-Call itself.
Memory savings realized
This is the difference between the total for loaded programs
and actual memory used. It's one measure of the benefits of
Following the summary display is a short legal announcement which
reminds you that this is copyrighted material and subject to the terms
stated herein.
4.6 Errors While Loading Programs
Errors are a fact of life, but On-Call will help to soften the blow as
much as possible. We have already explained what happens when the
specified path or program cannot be found and how On-Call handles
non-resident or unusable programs. But what happens when you specify a
disk drive that has no disk in it or when you try to print to a printer
which is off-line? Fortunately, On-Call will notice this and present
you with a small Pop-Up error window. The best action to take if this
happens is to try to correct the situation and press the "R" key to
Retry. When it is not possible to correct the problem, press the "I"
key to Ignore the operation. In either case On-Call will either
continue as if nothing has happened or it will return you to where you
were before the problem occurred.
NOTE: There is a delay before this error window is displayed. This
delay may be as short as few seconds for a floppy disk drive which is
not ready or as much as 15 seconds for an off-line printer. The delay
is within DOS, not On-Call. Don't be too quick to reboot your system
when you don't see anything happening.
5. USING On-Call
In this chapter you will find out how to use On-Call. The following
information explains how you can get On-Call to pop-up and how to
switch between different resident programs, both from the DOS prompt
and from within an application program.
5.1 Popping-up On-Call
There are two ways to call upon On-Call. One is for use only at the
DOS prompt, the other is for use at all other times. With either
method, you will frequently observe a short delay between the time you
ask On-Call to pop-up and when it actually does. This is quite normal
and is part of a statistical protection scheme which is used to ensure
that On-Call does not switch a resident program out at an inappropriate
time. If this scheme were not employed, your system would most likely
take a vacation each time On-Call switched resident programs.
While most resident programs don't seem to be doing anything most of
the time, there is quite a flurry of activity taking place, without so
much as the touch of a key to start it. Please be patient with On-Call
and it will serve you well.
As you become familiar with On-Call, you will realize that trying to
switch resident programs while they are displaying on the screen is not
a very good idea. While On-Call can usually tell if the resident
program, which it currently has loaded, is popped-up, We don't suggest
that you regularly test that capability. However, if you do make a
mistake and press the Hot-Keys while the loaded program is "Up",
On-Call will make every attempt to prevent disaster.
Popping On-Call From DOS
Unlike most other resident programs you may be familiar with, you can
not activate On-Call while at the DOS prompt simply by pressing the
designated Hot-Keys. Instead, a small program has been provided on the
On-Call distribution diskette which can be used to pop-up On-Call.
This program is called OCP.COM. It should either be placed in a
directory listed in your "PATH" statement (see your DOS documentation)
or a "PATH" to it should be included. This way you will be able to
activate the On-Call program selection window from within any
If using the "OCP" command is awkward, you may rename OCP.COM to any
name that may be more convenient for you, as long as it has a ".COM"
extension. You may also use the following alternative method to
convince On-Call to pop-up from the DOS prompt. Press the designated
Hot-Keys, "Ctrl" and Right Shift by default, then execute the DOS "DIR"
command. At some point, either during disk access or writing to the
screen, On-Call will find an opportune moment and come to life. On-Call
may be more or less willing to pop depending on the currently selected
resident program. While I have not yet run across such a program, it is
possible to write one which could keep On-Call waiting forever. If you
have a program which does this, check the "READ.ME" file on your
distribution disk.
To pop-up On-Call at the DOS prompt type: OCP
Popping On-Call From Within Programs
While running an application program, you can pop-up On-Call simply by
pressing the designated Hot-Keys. By default, these Hot-Keys are the
"Ctrl" and Right Shift keys. Press both of these keys at the same time
then release them to activate On-Call. If you have selected a different
combination of keys using the "/H=" option, you must press those keys
You will notice that when you press the designated Hot-Keys, a short
"Beep" will be produced. This is On-Call acknowledging your request.
Before On-Call can proceed you must first release all keys. When
On-Call pops, it will produce a lower tone telling you that it is ready
to select a program. This may seem superfluous until you try to pop-up
On-Call while a graphics screen displayed.
Depending on the software you are running, On-Call will either be easy
to pop or a bit stubborn. This is a result of the protections we
discussed earlier. If On-Call does not pop after a few seconds,
continue on with your work. It will most likely pop-up after a few key
strokes. In extreme cases, it may be necessary to try some other
action, such as disk access. A fairly effective method is to ask the
software you are using to display a help screen. This generally will
not interfere with your work and is easy to return from when you're
done with On-Call.
5.2 Program Selection
This section describes how you can switch between resident programs.
There are two methods of selecting a resident program. One is used
when the display is set to a standard text mode. The other is used
when the display is set to a graphics or non-standard text mode.
However, there is a common thread between these methods regarding use
of the "Esc", "Enter" and "Crtl-Enter" key sequences. These allow you
to keep the selected resident program, save the selected resident
program, save the selected resident program and switch to a different
one or forget the selected resident program and switch to a different
one. Exactly how to perform these functions is described in detail
Text Mode Selection
When On-Call is popped-up, if your screen is in a text mode which is
standard for either a Monochrome or CGA adapter, you will see On-Call's
Resident Program Selection window. At any one time, this window will
display the names of 12 resident programs loaded into On-Call. The
currently selected program or "(none)" will either be highlighted or
displayed in reverse video.
Since On-Call allows you to load the same program more than once, it
must be able to identify each copy. It identifies duplicates by
including a parenthesized number after the program name and will treat
them as totally separate entities. You can rename these duplicates
using the OCA.COM accessory program. Doing so will make it easier to
identify each copy. The OCA.COM program is described in Chapter 5.
Selecting the desired resident program is basically a Point-and-Shoot
procedure. The selection screen can only display 12 program names at
one time, while On-Call can manage up to 40. If the program you want to
select is not shown on the display, simply move in the direction of
that program and the list will "Scroll", exposing the unseen programs.
The following is a list of the keys you may use while the selection
window is displayed. Pressing an illegal key or attempting to go
beyond the limits of the listed programs will cause On-Call to produce
a low warning beep and ignore that keystroke.
Program Selection Keys
Move up one program [Up Arrow]
Move down one program [Down Arrow]
Move one to the left, with column wrap [Left Arrow]
Move one to the right, with column wrap [Right Arrow]
Move to the first program listed [Home]
Move to the last program listed [End]
Move up 12 programs [Pg Up]
Move down 12 programs [Pg Dn]
Save current program, select highlighted [Enter]
Switching programs in this way will ensure that when you return
to a resident program it will be exactly as you left it.
On-Call will recognize if you are re-selecting the currently
selected program and not unnecessarily read it back in from the
image data file. Doing this occasionally is roughly equivalent
saving your work within the constructs of your resident
program, and may be faster.
Forget current program, select highlighted [Ctrl-Enter]
This sequence is used when you want to change programs but
don't want the currently selected resident program to be saved
to the image data file. You may also use this function to avoid
saving changes you have made. In fact, if you have the
currently selected program highlighted when you press these
keys together, you will have returned that program to the state
it was in the last time you selected it.
Display context sensitive help information [F1]
Pressing this key will display a screen of information related
to selecting a resident program. To access the Help menu, press
"Enter" then the letter shown for the desired help screen. The
"Esc" key will return you to program selection.
Print a list of loaded programs [F9]
Exit without making any changes [Esc]
Use the graphics mode "Blind" selection method [G]
You may have to use this command when running On-Call with
certain graphics programs. If the display is in graphics mode
when you Pop-Up On-Call and you see random nonsense at the top
of the screen, press the "G" key. On-Call will restore the
screen and begin using the graphics mode selection method
described below.
When you select the desired resident program, On-Call will perform any
required disk access to save the current program and/or select the new
one. Unless you specified the "/M" option or are working in a graphics
mode, a status window will indicate what On-Call is doing as it
proceeds. If you keep the image data file on a RAMdisk or a fast hard
disk, you may not have time to read these messages. On the other hand,
if you are using a 720K Microfloppy drive, it should give you something
to do while you wait.
When On-Call is done, it will produce a characteristic three tone
sequence indicating that it is safe to proceed with your work. Please
wait for this indication before proceeding.
Non-Text Mode Selection
Unlike some other resident programs, On-Call does not attempt to
interact with the display when it is in a graphics or non-standard text
mode. This doesn't mean that it won't work. However, it does mean
that resident program selection takes place "Blind". The process is
directed by different "Beeps" which are easy to recognize and guide you
through the process. You should carefully follow the procedure below
the first time through, after that it will quickly seem natural.
1. Pop-Up On-Call with the designated Hot-Keys
Just as it does in text mode, On-Call produces two beeps before
displaying the program selection window. These beeps, which may
have seemed unnecessary in text mode, will let you know when
On-Call is ready for you to enter the desired program name.
Some graphics programs do not conform to all DOS conventions.
With certain graphics programs, On-Call may not be aware that
the display is set to a graphics mode and attempt to display
the program selection window. If this happens, the screen will
partially fill with random nonsense. When you see this happen,
or if after popping On-Call, it does not seem respond to you
key strokes, press the "G" key. On-Call will then restore the
screen and begin using the "Blind" selection method.
2. Enter Desired Program Name
When typing the program name, include the extension (.EXE or
.COM) or On-Call will not be able to find your program. Do
not include any parenthesized numbers. If you get lost trying
to type the program name, use the Rubout key (above the Enter
key) to back up to the point at which On-Call produces the low
tone error beep. That will indicate that you have deleted all
of the characters typed so far. Program names can be up to
12 characters long. If you type too many characters On-Call
will produce the low tone error beep and ignore your key
The process of matching the name you type to the list of loaded
programs is "Case Sensitive". This means that a capital letter
is not considered to be the same as a small letter. This will
be important to remember once you have changed a program name
with the OCA.COM accessory program.
If you only want to save the program which is currently
selected, do not enter the program name.
3. Press either "Enter" or "Ctrl-Enter"
The effect is the same as for text mode selection. If you press
"Enter", the currently selected program will be saved.
Pressing "Ctrl" and "Enter" together will not save the
current program before selecting the new one.
If On-Call locates the desired program, it will confirm that
with a high tone beep and proceed to switch to that program.
Since you will be in a graphics or non-standard text mode, no
status windows will be displayed. Please wait for the
characteristic three tone sequence indicating that On-Call is
If On-Call can't find a program with the name you supply, it
will produce a low error beep. At this point you may retype the
program name or print a list of currently loaded programs by
pressing "F9".
Pressing the "Ctrl" and "Enter" combination without first
typing a program name will select "none". You may optionally
type the word "none" and press "Enter".
4. If More than 1 high beep, enter copy number
On-Call produces one high beep for each program matching the
entered name. If it only finds one matching program, that
program will be selected. If you hear more than one high beep,
On-Call will be waiting for more information. Type the
number of the copy you wish to select then press "Enter". You
must wait for the three tone sequence indicating that
On-Call is done.
If you type an invalid number, On-Call will produce a low tone
error beep and you will have to reenter the program name.
At any time you may press "Esc" to quit resident program
selection. Doing so will preserve the currently selected
program unless you have already used the "Ctrl-Enter"
combination to enter a program name.
Printing a List of Loaded Programs
While loading or selecting programs, you may press the "F9" key to
print a list of resident programs which are currently loaded. This
list will include the name and size of each program, the total for all
programs, the path and name of the image data file and the designated
Hot-Keys. You may want to print this list once and keep it handy,
especially if you frequently work in graphics or non-standard text
If your printer is off-line when you try to print this list, the error
window will pop-up. It will then wait for you to press either "R" for
Retry or "I" for ignore. Unfortunately, Ignore only bypasses one
character at a time, which would be rather inconvenient in this case. I
therefore suggest that you set the printer on-line and press "R" for
5.3 Running Other Software
There is nothing special that you have to do while On-Call is loaded,
other than the procedures above for switching resident programs within
On-Call. Operation of your nonresident software will only be changed
by the added functionality you will receive from having On-Call
managing your resident programs.
When On-Call is not popped-up, you are free to conduct business as
usual. However, there is one thing you may occasionally notice. Some
resident software is rather difficult to manage. In an effort to keep
things under control, On-Call may, at it's discretion, store away your
currently selected resident program and go to a "none" selected status.
This will only happen with certain resident programs and only when you
are starting a program. Please note that On-Call does not ask for
permission to save your resident program. If you don't want it saved in
it's present state, you will have to deselect it manually before
starting the new program.
The On-Call distribution files include several programs in addition to
On-Call itself. One of these programs enhances the capability of
On-Call by allowing you to add, delete, duplicate and rename resident
program images. With the same program you may set certain default
values for On-Call, such as Hot-Keys, protection level, display of disk
access messages and how On-Call will handle each system interrupt.
Other programs allow easy access to On-Call from DOS and solve
compatibility problems. This chapter will describe each of the On-Call
accessory programs and how to use them. Please note that some features
of these accessory programs are only to be used as described in the
supplied documentation, READ.ME file, or under the direction of the
On-Call Customer Service Department.
The OCA.COM program is the largest of the On-Call accessories. This
program will allow you to manipulate resident program images and set
default values for ONCALL.EXE. Before you start this program, use the
DOS "CD" command to change to the directory containing the ONCALL.EXE
program. The OCA program expects to find ONCALL.EXE in the default
directory. If the program isn't found, you won't be able to use any of
the options under the "Configure On-Call" main menu selection.
To Start OCA type: CD \OC
(or directory containing On-Call)
You will be informed if there is any problem locating or reading
WARNING: Please read all message windows carefully as they may provide
important information.
When the program has been loaded and ONCALL.EXE has been examined, OCA
will provide you with the main menu. This menu has three options,
"Edit Program Image File", "Configure On-Call" and "Quit Accessories".
You make your selection either by using the arrow keys to highlight
the desired option and then pressing the Enter key, or by typing first
letter of the desired option. All subsequent menus operate in the same
way, except that they are vertical as opposed to horizontal.
Edit Program Image File
From the "Edit Program Image File" menu, you may list the contents of a
file, erase an image, duplicate an image, add an image from another
file or rename a program image. To return to the main menu press Esc.
When selecting an option from this menu, you will be asked for a file
name. Be sure to enter the full path and file name or OCA will not be
able to locate the data file. Then press Enter. The above window is
also used for several other options. Since the ":\" is always
required, it is automatically provided for your convenience. OCA will
display an error message if it can't find the desired file or has a
problem reading it.
Options on the Edit Program Image File Menu are:
List Image File
This option lists the images in the specified image file.
With each image name is the number of bytes required for
that program. Statistics for the entire file are listed at
the top.
Erase an Image
This option allows you to remove an image from an image
data file. This may be required if a problem has developed
with that program and the image is no longer useful. You
may also use this option to remove a program which is
no longer needed. Follow the instructions provided on the
screen to select and erase an image.
Duplicate an Image
This option will create two identical images from one
which already exists. After creating the new image, OCA
will scan through the list of images and renumber any
duplicates as necessary. You should then use the "Rename an
Image" option to specifically identify each copy.
Copy an Image
This option will copy an image from one file to another.
This allows you to add a new image to an existing file.
The images from both files must have been loaded in
exactly the same way or OCA will refuse to copy the image.
You may check the "Base Address" of both files with the
"List Image File" option to see if they match.
NOTE: See the "/A" start-up option for information on how
to add a new resident program to an image data file.
Rename an Image
This option will allow you to assign a logical name to an
image. The new name may contain any desired characters
or punctuation but may not be more than 12 characters long.
You can then refer to an image by its logical name rather
than its original program name. Using short, or even 1
letter names, will simplify selecting a resident program
in the graphics selection mode.
If you erase or duplicate an image, the entire image data file will be
copied and the original file will be renamed with the extension ".BAK".
If there is a problem during one of these operations, the resulting
file may be unusable or nonexistent. If this happens, or you simply
change your mind, delete the new file and rename the ".BAK" file to its
original name. Erasing or duplicating an image will require enough disk
space to copy the entire image data file. Floppy disk users may find
this an insurmountable limitation, for which we apologize. OCA will
fail the operation if the space is not available and leave the ".BAK"
file intact.
Configure On-Call
From the "Configure On-Call" menu you may set default parameters and
adjust how On-Call operates. Certain options in this menu should be
used with caution or only with specific directions. These options will
only be available if OCA was able to find the ONCALL.EXE program in the
default directory. OCA will also refuse access to any of these options
if it finds unexpected or inconsistent data.
WARNING: Please read the information below before experimenting.
Options on the Configure On-Call Menu are:
This option will allow you to set the default Hot-Keys
for On-Call. Once set, this default may be overridden with
the "/H" option when starting On-Call or in the ONCALL
environment parameter. Follow the instructions provided
by OCA to set the desired keys.
Bypass Messages
On-Call displays a message window each time the disk drive
is accessed. On a faster system, you may not have time
to read these messages and therefore may not want to bother
with them. This option allows you to deactivate these
messages. Once set, this default may be overridden with the
"/M" option when starting On-Call or in the ONCALL
environment parameter.
Protection Level
On-Call resists popping-up when the selected resident
program is in some way active. This option sets a relative
level of protection. The higher the number, the more
resistant it is to popping. As distributed, this level is
set to 2 which is moderate protection. The maximum
value of 100 will make it almost impossible to access
On-Call once a program is selected. If you find that your
computer occasionally "hangs", either when popping or
exiting On-Call, you should set this level a little
higher. Try increments of 5 or 10.
This option should only be used when specifically
directed by the On-Call documentation, READ.ME file, or
Customer Service Department.
WARNING: Making indiscriminate changes to the interrupt
handling of On-Call will most assuredly result in disaster.
The OCP.COM program provides access to the On-Call program selection
window from the DOS prompt. Its use has already been discussed in
Chapter 4. You should make this program available by including a path
to it in the "PATH" statement of your AUTOEXEC.BAT file. You may find
that OCP has trouble popping-up the program selection window when you
have certain resident programs selected. If this occurs, check the
protection level described above.
The OCV.COM program solves a particular type compatibility problem with
certain types of software. Quite simply, OCV allows these programs to
"See" other related programs. Refer to the READ.ME file on the On-Call
distribution diskette for information about specific software which
requires use of this accessory program.
WARNING: Use OCV.COM only as specified in the READ.ME file or as
directed by the On-Call Customer Service Department.
Unlike most software programs, On-Call does not function totally on its
own. Its job is to juggle other software in a way their authors may
not have considered. While every attempt has been made, and will
continue to be made, to accommodate the wide variety of resident
software, compatibility problems may arise. Please take the time to
ensure that your resident and non-resident software is cooperating with
7.1 Case of Mistaken Identity
Some software programs get their high performance by directly
controlling the hardware in your system. Well behaved programs will
inform BIOS and DOS of any changes which may affect other software.
Some not so well behaved programs do not. It can be difficult, at times
impossible, for other software to determine exactly what has been done
by these programs and what state the hardware may be in. As a result,
other software may tend to behave in a way inconsistent with the actual
hardware state.
On-Call has been written to comply with accepted rules and it's overall
compatibility with other software is a testimonial to that. It can
however be fooled by another program's slight of hand. One case in
particular is graphics software which does not inform BIOS of the
current state of the display. When running these programs, On-Call may
mistakenly assume the wrong display mode and attempt to display the
text mode selection screen on a graphics mode display. The result will
be random nonsense at the top of the screen or no effect at all. If
this happens simply press "G" to inform On-Call that you would like to
use the graphics mode "Blind" selection method. When you do this,
On-Call will restore the screen to normal and use "Blind" selection.
7.2 Things to Avoid
Certain types of resident software won't make sense to load with
On-Call. Others may have problems simply because they will be switched
in and out of memory. Certainly, utilities such as disk caching
programs will be dangerous to disable indiscriminately. These programs
have become quite popular to speed disk access on floppy disks and the
slower hard disk drives which have flooded the market. Deselecting this
type of program, especially from within application software, could
result in loss of data or corruption of the storage media. I suggest
you load these programs prior to starting On-Call. This way they will
always be in charge of disk access and may even speed switching
resident programs with On-Call. Please feel free to try loading these
programs into On-Call, but it may be a good idea to do so with a disk
that is properly backed up.
Other problem programs may be difficult to identify. Some software
will become confused if there are changes to the system hardware or
software status while they're switched out. These may be programs which
work with serial or parallel I/O ports such as communications programs
or network drivers. Others might not be able to handle an unexpected
change in display status. A typical example would be a spelling checker
which was not in memory when the word processor was changed from
overwrite to insert mode. This is not to say that these programs
can't be managed with On-Call, in fact the trade-off in memory savings
may be worth the added attention they will require.
Another consideration is related to performance. It might be best to
run programs which require extremely fast response and processing of
interrupts without On-Call loaded. While the overall impact on
performance is generally minimal, the time required to respond to
hardware interrupts could occasionally be affected. Any high speed
data acquisition or communications programs should be fully tested
with On-Call before they can be considered reliable.
7.3 Hazards
Several ways of getting into trouble with On-Call have been covered in
this manual. If you follow these rules, the chances of having problems
will be greatly reduced.
Don't rush On-Call
Typing ahead of the software may save some time, but doing so
when loading programs into On-Call could spur unnecessary
activity and conceivably cause trouble. Also, don't rush to
help pop-up On-Call. The less that is going on, the sooner it
will be able to find an opportune moment. If after a few
seconds it still doesn't pop-up, proceed with other measures.
Don't switch programs while the selected program is on the screen
The chances of On-Call popping-up at such a time is slim, but
if you are successful, the penalty could be having to reboot.
If you do find the On-Call selection menu pops over the
selected program, you should press the "Esc" key to exit back
to that program.
Be careful about changing disks
Don't change diskettes in the middle of a program simply to
satisfy On-Call. If the program you are running doesn't perform
disk access, you may be safe. Otherwise, it is possible to
corrupt either or both diskettes. Try to plan your disk usage
so that this kind of a swap will not be necessary. If On-Call
doesn't find the image data file when trying to switch
programs, it will go to a "none" selected status and return to
the program which was interrupted.
Use OCV.COM only as directed
The OCV.COM program circumvents some of the interrupt
monitoring which is critical to safe use of On-Call. You should
restrict use of this program to that specified in the On-Call
documentation, READ.ME file or by the On-Call Customer Service
Use OCA Interrupts option only as directed
The Interrupts option of the OCA.COM program is intended to be
used only as specified in the On-Call documentation, READ.ME
file or by the On-Call Customer Service Department. If you
make unauthorized changes to the interrupt settings, do not
expect On-Call to function properly.
( End of Shareware Documentation )